Singing….."Finally, we've made it through the storm and the rain”. This is the song for champions like you and I.
Okay, you're staring around trying to find who i'm addressing but its YOU... Oh yes YOU and don't give me that look..... (smiles)
The fact that you are here, reading this NOW just proves that you have not given up yet and do you know what??
Champions keep playing until they get it right. So I truly congratulate you for being here now for you are in the right place, at the right time with the right team of great minds.....
This is will definitely excite and more importantly ignite a burning flame in your entirety to excel.
The first time I heard this statement, I was thrilled, truly... There is something in YOU that nobodyelse in the world has... isn't that mind blowing? I mean it through me off balance. It just re-affirms how incredibly special you are.
Today, if you may, I would like to re-awake the SLEEPING GIANT in you.
We are the champions because;
It has been pre-ordained from inception.
We are diligent to our purpose.
We are taking inspired action now to secure a spectacular future.
We have the heart of the lion.
We are authentic and willing to share ourselves.
We soar, we glide and take flight.
We love, we care, we feel, we bleed but still we lead.
Right this moment, I want you to forecast your future by creating it and working hard and smart at it. For you, success is sure but it is vital that your character and lifestyle displays your hunger for success.
It will be weird reading this and coming to terms with the fact that, you have not achieved any feat this year which is almost up but have you giving it a thought that YOU have not STOPPED....
I am committed to seeing you truly succeed and have the best life that God intends for you....
Being a champion doesn't come cheap, fast or easy.... It is often said that ....
And remember opposition could be that cloak that wraps your golden opportunity.. So if you were the type to flee from opposition.. This is the time to face it......
Never, look down on your craft or gift.. whatever it is that God has blessed you with, let it SHINE... It could just be that little light of yours that shines hope into someone's life....
Be aware that there is champion in you, let it out. Stop allowing” The Champion within to sleep. You need to let it out.... it can't be hidden.
Work it, Earn It, Enjoy it!!
I believe that..........
Let's be that MULTIPLIER EFFECT... Lets add astronomical amounts of success to your life...
Its time to possess your crown, your throne awaits you….
Okay! I know I sound like an old woman telling fairy tales to kids under the moonlight. hahaha!
But seriously, whatever the case, there is something in you that nobody, anywhere in the entire world has and you owe it to the world to let it out and share it.
Be the champion that you are born to be.
Engage, Energize, Enlighten, Empower, Excel!!!
Activate it now.....
Be a part of something that truly works....
Here we go 1,2, 3, .... Click here and be A Champion Indeed
Love & Liberty
Pure Phee
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