Saturday, 14 December 2013

Beefing Up Your CON

You know the word CON was used to connote CONFIDENCE but not anymore. The confidence tricks of men have changed everything about the word. Nowadays, a CON will symbolize an action of deception intended to result in financial or personal gain. You can people who indulge in this act a scam artist, a grifter or a fraudster.

But right now I want you to realize that your confidence is your CON and I am here beef it up. There are so many people existing under their confidence level, or better put they lack the CON.

Everyone has a CON but you have a responsibility to beef it up, to develop it. Confidence is believing in YOU, in your abilities and capabilities. However, as the pages of  times kept turning, people started mistaking the feeling of knowing who YOU really are and what you can do to the feeling of knowing you are better than others or you don't care what others say, do or think.

Having confidence and exhibiting pride are different but while there may be a thin line between both. It is vital that we ensure that we do not suffer our CON for some show off.

In a series events, I have had people who are exposed and privileged to be a part of something great, something new, fresh but rather than take inspired action they fall like a pack of cards.

If your confidence level is low, your success level will be void. And even if you scratch the surface of success you will eventually crumble but your CON keeps you when everything else fails.

Caught out that inner voice that tells you that you cannot make it, block out all forms of distraction in that manner.

Build an inner circle that can always encourage you, the kind that stretches you beyond your KNOWN limits. Open up about your fears, most men feel that this action makes them weak when it only makes them stronger. 

And most importantly, never underestimate great power of prayer, it changes every and anything.

So I dare you to the best CONfident you.

I dare to take inspired action and shout down the walls of Jericho hindering your astronomic growth. 

Never mind the dates, mind what’s in the slate of your mind, so build your CON - Phoebe Chi

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Love & Liberty

Pure Phee

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