Friday, 6 December 2013

How Long Does It Take To Become Successful

Often times, people ask me how long does it take to become successful. And my guess is everybody wants to know the answer to this question.

Gladly, a mentor has shared his views on this and I find it informative.

You want to hear it??

Wait a minute!!


"How long does it take to become successful?"

The answer might surprise you.

Here it is:  it takes a SECOND to become successful.

No joke.  About 1 second.

And about 10 seconds have passed since you've

been reading this.

Now, you might think I'm kidding, but I'm not.

Here's why:

Being successful -- at anything -- is simply a DECISION.

A decision to SHOW DO THE WORK....

...and to take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for your results.

See, the problem is that most people don't think that way.

And that's why they're not successful.

They say things like:
I'm going to see how it goes before I do anything else.
I hope this is going to work.
I'm waiting to see some results before I make a full commitment.

Those people are never successful.

Read that again:  those people are never successful at anything.

It's like someone sitting in front of a fireplace and

saying, "I'm waiting for it to get warm and then I'll put in some wood."

Life doesn't work that way.

See, "being successful" is not about how long it 
 takes to reach your goals.

Some people reach their goals in a few weeks.
Others in a few months.
Others take years.

But they all had ONE thing in common: 

They had all made a DECISION in one second
 of their lives that they were going to achieve something.

They decided not to give up no matter what the 

They decided to take their foot off the brakes 
 and play "full out".

They said "I'm going to do this no matter what".

They made a DECISION to be unstoppable.

The simple truth is that most people are not
 successful because they never decided to be.

But the great thing is that you can DECIDE to change that this very second....

So, I say again, 

If you have not made a single, simple 1-second
DECISION to be successful that now.

Decide right now to show up... do the work....

learn the skills.... and persist through the obstacles
 to have what you want.

After's only your life we're talking about, right?  

If you'll do that....then I promise that you can
 be as successful as you want to be.

It worked and is working for me

 And it's worked for thousands and thousands of
 other people who are no smarter than you.

And it all started with a simple, 1-second decision
 to be successful.

And if we had not made that simple decision,
 we would not be where we are today.

These are great word to ponder on?

Once again, this is a shared experience and this could be that singular thing you need to finally HIT!!

Bill Gates Made that 1 second decision
Nelson Mandela took that stand too
Mark Zuckerberg made that happen
Dr. D.k Olukoya moved in that current

How about you?

    The year aint over.

Decide Now!!!

Love & Liberty

Pure Phee

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