Saturday, 21 December 2013

#Just saying

Okay, I 'm just saying ...

Saying a few words ... a few words with immense impact.

The kind of few sayings that linger. The kind that you would be grateful you read/heard.

They say....., people say..... alot of things but you must choose to allow the best words get into your system. Even when you are constructively criticized by the people you look up to or  just anyone you must learn to the take the best words.

And by best words I don't necessarily mean the kind that always portrays you in a favorable light but the kind that would eventually be in your best interest. The kind that would stretch you.


You see, the truth is tough but gives great strength in the long run.

The truth is the key to having a most fulfilling life.

And that's all I want to say, THE TRUTH

Speak the truth even to yourself. Never deny yourself of it. The bible it the greatest book to get all truth. Have you tried studying it today?

I believe that YOU are important.  I really do like the sun shines everyday that kind of importance. 

And I believe that if you take a bit of courage and action you would be an example to many.

If you are reading this now you are truly ready to move up the ladder i.e. to have a better life and recreate it for others. 

You are part of my success and together we can make history.

And one of the few things that I have kept me going is enlarging my understanding of success to include self knowledge and greater connection to others.

Knowing who you are and your capabilities is something everyone should discover…

You have everything within to succeed that is just how God created us.

 Losers are repeaters, repeating their mistakes and that of their family members. You need to pave a way for yourself.

You need to make that DECISION to live your life to the fullest i.e. Gods intent for you.

Genuine success is never an accident, the prosperous have a culture of progress that combines curiosity and consistent application.

That’s a pointer to that the fact that all we are trying to do is to achieve genuine success, it is not always about the money but it is always about the mind…

Make you mind wealthy, empower it, feed it, cherish it.

Then take inspired action (like I always say)….

And a little bit of persistent and commitment…

And you have it…

Let’s start by taking you on a journey you would be glad you had…

Click here and see what I mean.

Okay, I know you are all in...

Take the next step and be a part of something great.

Click HERE beautiful people.

Love & Liberty

Pure Phee

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