Saturday, 4 January 2014

Salute The New Year With An Exceptional Financial Bedrock

More than ever, I am optimistic that this year is Your Best Year Yet #YBYY

I know God is raising creative minds and financial giants this year and if you want to be one, whom people would celebrate with then you have to salute the New Year with an exceptional financial bedrock.

What do I mean by Exceptional financial bedrock?

Start the year by taking informed financial/investment decisions. This is not the time to keep spending but a time to invest. If you want to dominate as God instructed in Genesis; you need to understand the times and seasons.

Are you aware that Aliko Dangote made $9.2 billion in 2013 alone? I mean $9.2 billion dollars that is extraordinary in a country where many say "there are no opportunities jare".

Many seem to be jetting out. Where una dey jet dey go sef?

Now, don't get me wrong travelling or taking trips is a great way to relax or perhaps start a new life but it all begins with a sound decision. A lot of persons have traveled abroad and become street sweepers all because they want to travel, may be for the status change.

But what I am saying is, if you start making exceptional financial decisions it changes everything. I mean Evvverrrryythingggggg!!!!

Dangote only achieved this landmark success because of the wise financial bedrock he made in 2013. And guess what? He has already set up one for this year.

How do I know? Business giants don't procrastinate planning. They just do it. In fact it is usually done at least a year before.

The kind of financial bedrock I want you to lay this year is one that would;

- Keep you smiling daily
- Make sure you get paid weekly guaranteed
- Change your inner circle from losers to achievers
- Create opportunities for you to mastermind with the successful few
- Create the platform for you to realize and live your dreams
- Enable you to experience freedom 
- And most importantly add value to others. Being a blessing to your friends, family and others.

Few year back, I made terrible financial decisions that cost me every penny, I was in debt, I had to borrow ( not fun at all) but that all changed when I decided to stop sitting on the fence and take inspired action by making an exceptional financial bedrock.

So I want you to salute, to hail, to greet, in fact troway salute to 2014 with solid and winning financial decisions.

You don't know what joy it brings to get paid in $$$$$$ weekly, its truly refreshing!

And I want you to have all this.

CLICK HERE to build an amazing financial year as you partner with us in TELEXFREE

Make a decision NOW, this is not the time to rain-check.

This is your appointment with DESTINY and not a dinner party.

Then use this special link to get started with an all exclusive training video, on how to make you first $100 per week in TELEXFREE

Join Now and thank me later.

Love & Liberty

Phoebe Chi

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