Friday, 24 January 2014

Always Bring Your Sunshine#Yoursunlight#Yoursunshine

Happy SUNday when its a friday...

Heard of that before?

I bet not.......

Happy Sunday should be some sort of morning greeting... You know, reminding you that you have another chance to be what you were born to be.

The sun is truly an incredible creation of God and it has a lot to do with your existence and increase.

The sun is significant in the morning of your life and what you make out of it determines who you become.

So now to my caption " Your Sun Light and Sun Shine " there is definitely a relationship here. Because what you do with your sun light determines your sunshine.

Simply, put your sun light is basically your time to sow, toil and to invest.

And your sun shine is your time to be celebrated, to be remembered and to be honored.

Most people want the sunshine and never the sunlight. People in the now, prefer the sunshine...#nostory#noglory

Nothing and I mean nothing good comes on a platter. You must work for it, in most cases bought with an expensive price.

Now, Nelson Mandela's sun still shines because of what he did in his sun light stage. He fought for, stood for and died for a course.

What is that dream, goal , aspiration or career you want to pursue?

Whats been holding you back?

Whats been impeding your progression?

You have to realize that if the much needed step aren't taken you will end up a non achiever.. but that's not your lot.

I want you to truly live you dreams... I truly do.

Quite Waltzing and start working!!!

Always Bring Your Sunshine.

Sunlight is a portion of the electromagnetic radiation given off by the Sun
Sun shine is a direct sunlight unbroken by cloud, especially over a comparatively large area.

To your shinning,

Phoebe chi,

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