Sunday, 14 July 2013

Do you have that instinctivity?

There is nothing as wonderful in the world as to be giving an opportunity. It is an invisible thing that if not discerned instinctively you would miss it. An opportunity will not walk up to you and say Hi, I am Mr. Opportunity. Opportunities are so often failed that not only are they invisible but it’s cloaked in opposition.
Instinct is internal and increase is external. You need to have instinct to increase. I am not talking about a petty increase and talking about a dumbfounding increase. One that would make you celebrated from generations to generations. Please know that, it is instinct that enables you to recognise a “window of opportunity” and if you don’t have the instinct you would always miss opportunities and take part in losses.  May I add, that it is according to your ability that your talents was given to you by God. It was never about his preference but about what you could handle. So you don’t have to be responsible for anybody’s talent, be accountable and responsible for yours.

I have once talked about the parable of the talents in my blog, if you missed that, check it out HERE before you  proceed. Now that you have seen that write up, you would recognise that those man were given the talents according to their abilities but there is something else that they were given which not all “eyes” that have read or even studied this story saw, it is an OPPORTUNITY. They all had an opportunity to develop that talent but only 2 of them recognised that opportunity. If you take a look at the allocation of talents, God did not make any mistakes because he did not give the 2-man the 5 talents but he gave what was commensurate with his ability. So always know that what you are going through now is what you can handle. Trust God in this process because you have been equipped for it.

More so, God thought about you before giving you that OPPORTUNITY, the least you can do is ‘Work It’ like one of my online mentor would say “Don’t be a Wussy”. Take inspired action, take hold of the window of opportunity starring you in the face, make every second of your life count. Remember, that your bank account can only increase to the extent that you increase and if you don’t have the instinct to see a “window of opportunity” then you would miss that increase. I am not talking about the cash flow alone but value flow. Like I said in my last write-up you can only be appreciated to the level of value that you can offer to a certain group of people.
Look at this scenario, a certain type of people see Robert Kiyosaki as a value carrier and as a result seek his advice, some see Dr D.k Olukoya as God’s servant, so they buy his books, attend church services and some see Kim Kardashian as a role model of some sort, so they invite her for events. These 3 groups of people have perceived value differently and are feeding their minds with it. So if you feed on the wrong things, you will have no instincts, then you would miss an opportunity and miss that increase but some due to that fact that they are in the right inner circle and are in touch with the “Right”  it becomes automatic  that there would be a seamless flow of success and “instincts to increase”.

The 5-man in the parable of talent said to himself ‘How can I make this 10?”. The 2-man said ‘How Can I Make This 4?’ And the 1-man is so pre-occupied with SURVIVAL that he misses SUCCESS because he has a survivalist mentality and he thinks that success is surviving and not succeeding. The 1-man has successfully mis-defined success. When I share great opportunities with people, I often get a whole lot of 1-man responses saying “I don’t have money, Have you made money?, It is a scam or fictitious, I don’t have time, Oh Chi I am so occupied now, Next month” Now I am not out rightly saying these responses are bad but the thing is there keep giving this excuses month in month out until that window is closed then regret sets in. I pray that you would not miss your window of opportunity.
Stop sitting on that “thing”…work that “thing”… Stop shunning these opportunities… work that thing at your level.

You can’t run forward looking side ways, don’t get distracted by opinions of friends, family, don’t get carried away by the fast pace of the 21st century, don’t be a “Doubting Thomas” and loose the “Benjamins”. And that’s what the 5-man did, he was not carried away by how much his master gave him but he thought to himself immediately how can I “Increase this seed”? What is your first reaction when a window of opportunity is opened to you? Do you say, abegi they don come again? Or is it that easy to succeed? Oh yes, it is! And you have not succeed because you have failed to do what it takes. Listen friends, if you don’t want know trouble, you don’t want no increase? Because as I said earlier, opportunities are wrapped in troubles or failure but underneath is… is the opportunity your destiny has been waiting for.
Do you see success in the sunglasses of fear? Because, if you do you will never have increase. Fear is a dangerous opportunity killer. Because Fear kills your perception, your perception then kills your instincts and your lack of instinct kills your increase.
These opportunities I would share with you again but it is how you process the information that determines how you respond to it. Do you want to process like the 5-man, 2-man or would you prefer to process this valued information like the 1-man? There is somebody exposed to the same challenges and situations that you are going through right now but they have perceived it differently and as a result they land on their feet. But you are still crawling and rolling in despair because you process that situation like a wussy, come on now be a hero and a shero that you were born to be and take charge, be responsible for your increase.

Warning! Warning!! Warning!!! The master is always watching your ability.
These are the opportunities once again.
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