Tuesday, 27 August 2013

A Blank Cheque ..........????

Hello Family,

Do you know how special you truly are?

Do you know the value that each micro-seconds of your life carries?

Do you know that every minute of your life counts?

As I pause on the questions RIGHT NOW!!

Let me say this, there is no real limit to what you can achieve in life if you can FOCUS, PAY THE PRICE AND KEEP THE DRIVE. You may want to mentally limit yourself to saying "I don't have what it takes" but that is so untrue. 
Your creation was and still is a miracle and your existence is an incomparable gift, so quit with the looser questions and start making things happen for YOU!! Choose to be a better YOU, not a limiting or pretentious YOU but a DRIVEN, CONFIDENT, SUPER YOU

Today, I just want to share with you the 6 requirements for success;

1.PEACE OF MIND: This is simply freedom from fear, freedom from anger and freedom from guilt. The peace of God that surpasses all levels of understanding. The kind that Jesus gives.

2.HIGH LEVELS OF HEALTH AND ENERGY: You need your health and energy to enjoy your life. You need energy for the tasks that lies ahead of you.

3.LOVING RELATIONSHIPS: It is the hallmark of self actualizing fully functioning personality. Once you have peace of mind and high levels of health and energy, you would be able to channel this positive energy of God into your everyday relationships. 

4. FINANCIAL FREEDOM: I like to call this experiencing true liberty. It simply means we have enough money so that we don't worry about money. For one person, it could be $10,000 a year and for another it could be that $500,000 a year would not be enough. But it is essential, the we get to the point were we aren't bothered about where our next pay cheque is coming from because you cannot enjoy life if you are pre-occupied with money. 

5. WORTHY GOALS AND IDEALS: As people we don't function at our best unless we have clear goals and ideals which we believe in. So guys, set this in motion. 

6. FEELING OF SELF ACTUALIZATION: The feeling that we are becoming everything that we capable of becoming as humans (as children of the most high)

Knowing all this is truly given you a BLANK CHEQUE ON YOUR FUTURE. So seize this moment and start to build, start taking inspired action, start given your life meaning as you inquire from God, join the right team and make the best decisions for your life.

Here is one of the gateways to having all this; JOIN TELEXFREE HERE....

Its amazing what $500 weekly or more.... can take care of  

You can do that here: NOW

If you understand the goldmine you are sitting on , Click here and GET PAID WEEKLY GUARANTEED

Here is a blank cheque to fulfilling future
Love & Liberty

Phoebe Chinagolum

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