Sunday 13 October 2013

Save A Life! Saves Yours!! Lets Fight To Conquer Cancer!!!

Happy Sunday!

Some time ago, I had the opportunity to attend a seminar and a screening exercise. Though it took the whole day, it was and will be one of those seminars I will always be grateful I attended.

In this age and time, there has been a wide spread more like an epidemic of strange life taking diseases. These diseases have no respect for your personalities, wealth, beauty or achievements. These diseases act voraciously draining one's finances, taking lives, causing pain , sorrow and regrets. Though, if you are fortunate to detect it on time, you can use your finances to conquer it but if otherwise you loose the battle. One can call these diseases the 21st century epidemics because they are fast spreading in an unbelievable manner and ignorance is not an excuse here. Today and from now on, we are going to join hands and minds to fight, to battle and conquer this epidemic in Africa - CANCER

Amazingly, being a born again christian gives you the added advantage to get yourself checked and conquer it with prayers, medical checkups and finances. You should not be ignorant of the fact that you must get yourself checked (except in spiritual cases), everyone should get themselves checked #no excuses. It has been recorded that over 90% of the cancer related cases are reported at the advanced stages, hence the increase of mortality rate. I may not go into all stats and history, though its vital you know it but I want you to GO FOR YOUR CANCER SCREENING TODAY!!!! 

Cancer can attack anyone, boys, girls, men, women, it is a monster that WE must fight together. In advanced countries, the government has made it their major priority to ensure that this deadly disease becomes extinct in the next generation. The government has made available several Mobile Screening Units; these are moving buses that have been fully equipped to help screen people for free. This has greatly helped to reduce and tame cancer. Each of these Mobile Screening Units cost N 95 Million and we are yet to have one in Nigeria. We must come together and take responsible. Make these facilities available and help save destinies and precious souls.

Now is time to take action, you can be a part of this revolution right now to wipe out this epidemic called CANCER.

Simply Send CANCER to 44777 to make a donation. Its only a N100.

Food for thought: If 1 million persons send this SMS once in their lifetime we can afford 1 mobile screening unit. This is what it really means to save lives and add value.





Love & Liberty

The Lord Is Our Shield

Phoebe Chi

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