Tuesday 24 December 2013

Now its Happy Holidays ...Where Is My Christmas??

I just thought to share this before Christmas, I mean the D-day. I always love the Christmas season and the spirit that comes with it, its invigorating, it’s exciting, its special and its beautiful. Though in recent times, its fading off especially when there is some much insecurity and corruption but we are keeping the faith.

Oh how I love the Christmas season, the fun memories we share and always have. It is always a time to be grateful as every other day. But it’s a time to keenly reflect on what's ours and on what we got. We are truly what we have.

With the advancements in technology, various religious ideologies and lifestyles, the true meaning of Christmas is gradually losing its relevance. 

Nowadays, most people would rather say Happy Holidays than Merry Christmas. Don't lose sight of Jesus!!

Remember is not only about buying presents but it’s about his presence in our lives! 

Now we are celebrating the birth of Jesus but we are forgetting about him. We buy present, be blow know-outs, we trim our trees (for those who set up one) but fail to reverence and honor him ( even in our everyday life). We must remember that the reason for our joy, life and existence is Jesus. There is no remix, collaborations or hype that should ever change this fact.

So just like you do every day, love more, care more, give more, share more and spread the genius Gospel of our sweet compassionate lord and Savior Jesus Christ

Okay, with that being said, there is something exciting I am going to be doing, each day from today to the end of the year I'm going to be giving out amazing gifts daily. Yup! you heard right.

Now I would be the greediest person not to share this amazing Christmas Eve gift with you. It’s a beautiful Christmas song, so so special. It’s a timeless classic with infusion of various genres of music. It’s the Brilliance of sound, its genius music! This is my track, yeah that's right. Meeeeeee :)

So introducing your girl Tychi and her Special Christmas Classic ( Oya standing Ovation... hehehe)

Enjoy and remember don't lose him ever!

Love & Compassion


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