Tuesday 22 October 2013

Get Authentic and Meaningful success

- Some people spend their life climbing up a ladder, only to find that it was up against the wrong wall – Misdirection. Yes, it could give the most daunting feeling, just to be uncertain about where you are going. It takes a whole lot of smart and hard work to be able to score 100% here. You need to be sure that you are in the right boat. Just like bible story, those persons with JONAH were in the wrong boat until he was gotten rid of. Are you still in the same spot ? Truly, it’s time to break free!

This year has been one of the most revealing and substantive of all, I have been empowered, informed, transformed and prepped for the many amazing things coming……very soon!!

- Success is not an event or result achieved in isolation but an expression of the best that is within you.  What I love to do more than anything aside (M*****) is to bring out the best in you, help you bring out the very best in you. It’s important that you are able to bring out the very best of you because that is what success is all about.

- Optimistic people tend to succeed not simply because they believe that everything will turn out right but because the expectation of success makes them to work harder. If you expect little you will not be motivated to try, you need to STRETCH yourself. If you are in a circle of passive minds then you have to break out into the DYNAMIC. You need to be in a circle were you are the least, so that you can be challenged to be the very best.

- Success requires a concentration of effort. So many people dispense their energy on so many things and so fail to be outstanding in anything. FOCUS is key to your success. If you jump on any and every investment opportunity then you will never taste enduring success. You need to be focused and organized and this is not to say that you should put all your eggs in one basket.

- Meditate for Good success, study to show yourself approve, just like the greatest book "the bible" puts in 2 Timothy 2: 15 

This is one investment opportunity that would erupt into a formidable business empire and lead to a gateway of freedom.

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Love & Liberty

Phoebe Chi

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