Thursday 28 November 2013

Have You Been Paid This Week?

Just like a light shinned down and showed me how.

With so much clarity, the scales all down

I was able to see, to think and take inspired action

And I realized a long time ago that…..
There is so much within you and I hate to see it go to waste. 

If nothing has been invested in you at least time has – Phoebe Chi

You must be accountable for your action.

You don’t live life breezing in and out

Being materialistic and completely vain in the most unrealistic living

There is so much you have to give..
Opportunities that you have to seize..
Success that is available for you to achieve..

So why are you still on the fence?

Today, take a significant step that would change everything.

This is absolutely life transforming.

Love  & Liberty 

Pure Phee

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