Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Stuck In A Maze? There's A Way Out

Have you ever been in a place in your life where you feel full but empty? May be not, but there are some who have. Yes, you can have both feelings at the same time. It sounds strange but that’s the truth. You can be full because of the hurdles that are hindering you from experiencing true freedom and yet empty because you don't know what to do. Simply put, you are clueless about what you can do to remedy the situation.

At this point avoid information overload. Now, this is what I mean if you have been struggling with your finances, for instance and you really want to salvage the situation. You must avoid crowding the window of your mind with various business opportunities. What you must do for starters is take some time off. It could be for a few days, in some cases a month but don't prolong this phase. This stage should involve seeking spiritual guidance from the Holy Spirit on what next to do.
Secondly, get help from a friend or a mentor is now is where you want to be, and then be a sponge, absorb all he/she impacts into you. You will definitely need to be going in the right direction and one to achieve this you have to cling to that person who has actually taking that path.

Again, you should be part of a team, not just any team the RIGHT TEAM (with like minds). Once you have this, you will barely miss great opportunities or support.
More importantly you need to be a brave heart. Having found that major business opportunity that would make a difference in your life, take INSPIRED ACTION then GO ALL IN(Give it your best shot.), remain focused on it and avoid been distracted shiny objects ( e.g. HYIPS etc.). Do what is required of you to achieve success; no one can help you except you take the decision to SUCCEED. 

One thing you will need along the way is to be positive minded, you will find out there are many negative minded people who can steal your success before you get it. They make you lose track of what you are doing and discourage from becoming what God wants you to be.        

What I'm about to say now has be said several times but people seem to underestimate its power and this is it "There is power in your tongue" in your words. The earth, light, sound, water, man etc came to be by words. You and I were spoken into existence and the same power has been given to us. Its time to open the reservoir of positive words are speak them. To this end, I say  to you, no matter what you are going through now " SAY SOMETHING". 

There is always light at the end of the tunnel but you have to get to the end to see the light - Phoebe Chi

More than ever things are about to change but only you can affect that change. Take inspired action.

Phoebe chi,

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